Photo by Antonio Rankin

Photo by Antonio Rankin


Phyllis Saroff is committed to helping dog owners learn positive reinforcement training and management techniques to achieve a high quality of life for their dogs. Phyllis is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer. She is also a Pat Miller Certified Trainer through Peaceable Paws in Fairplay, Maryland. She has had dogs for the last thirty years starting with a Norwich Terrier. She and her little terrier earned his AKC Companion Dog title in obedience in 1989. She has discarded the choke chains used thirty years ago in exchange for non-compulsory, positive techniques based on evidence and promoted by the Certification Counsel for Pet Dog Trainers. Phyllis loves to see dogs enjoy training as a game or puzzle to be solved. Her goal is to help dogs thrive in our man-made environments. She teaches the dog and human team how to use what they learn in class for practical every day applications. The result is a safe, happy and pleasant canine companion. Phyllis has two mixed breed rescue dogs who are both retired from being Pet Partners Therapy Dogs. Spud the Norwegian Elkhound shepherd mix, visited children with disabilities who enjoyed reading to him. The ten pound curly haired Cosmo brought smiles and silliness to hospice patients. Despite their senior status, both dogs love learning new tricks.

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Photo by Antonio Rankin

Photo by Antonio Rankin