The dogs that we choose to bring into our homes deserve a high quality of life in which their physical and mental needs are met. Using science based learning theory, non punitive communication and fun techniques; we can help dogs thrive in our man made environments. The result is a safe, happy and pleasant canine companion.

Positive reinforcement training uses mark and reward techniques to promote the behaviors we want from our dogs. This method of training has been proven more effective than punishment based training. No chains, prongs, spray bottles, cans of pennies, electric shocks or leash yanking are used in positive reinforcement training. This method is pure fun for both dog and human. Teaching basic manners will keep a dog safe and polite. A trained, polite dog has a more active and enriched life since it can be managed outside the home or yard. Positive reinforcement techniques can also be used to address problem behaviors resulting from boredom and isolation. Please read the position papers of American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior on the subject of positive reinforcement training .
